Nordea 1 - European High Yld Bd HB SEK - Jämför och köp
Nordea 1 - European High Yld Bd HB SEK - handla fonden
A decorrere dal 04.01.2006, il comparto è stato incluso nella SICAV Nordea 1, ed è stata lanciata la classe retail BP (ISIN LU0141799501). Obiettivo d'Investimento Dichiarato: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund E EUR: Il fondo investe in obbligazioni high yield europee con l?obiettivo di sovraperformare il più ampio mercato high yield europeo. Beleggingsdoelstelling: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund AC EUR. The fund invest in European High Yield bonds and aims to outperform the overall European High Yield market. The fund managers focus on a name-by-name credit selection based on pure bottom-up analysis. They rely on an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of the issuer and Hitta basinformation om Nordea Invest European High Yield Bonds investeringsbolag såsom totala tillgångar, riskvärdering, minimal investering, börsvärde och kategori.
LU0257968619. 42.84 €. on 27/01/2021. SRRI. 1.
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Please select language. Choose your investor profile Investor type. The fund invest in European High Yield bonds and aims to outperform the overall European High Yield market.
European High Yield Bond
Factsheet ☆ Nordea 1 European High Yield Bond Fund BP EUR ☆ Fonds Kurs ✓ Chart ✓ Wertentwicklung ✓ Jetzt ohne Ausgabeaufschlag kaufen! Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund BP-EUR (WKN: 529937, ISIN: LU0141799501) - Der Fonds strebt den Erhalt des Kapitals und die Erzielung einer Quotazione del titolo Nordea 1 European High Yield Bond BP EUR prezzi aggiornati di tutti i titoli italiani ed esteri su 29 Aug 2013 NordeaBank 18/09/2018 Nordea 1 Sicav-European High Yield Bond Fund. ISIN Code. XS0963356364.
Nordea European High Yield Bond Fund.
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Find our live Nordea Invest European High Yield Bonds fund basic information. View & analyze the NDIEHY fund chart by total assets, risk rating, Min. investment, market cap and category. Synthèse LU0778444652 Nordea 1 European High Yield Bond Fund AI-EUR Le Compartiment a pour objectif de préserver le capital des Actionnaires et de procurer un rendement supérieur au rendement moyen du marché européen des
Navn Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund HBI - NOK Basisvaluta EUR Valutasikring Basisvaluta sikret til NOK Forvaltningskapital (Basisvaluta) 4 856 mill. Etableringsdato 05.11.2012 ISIN LU0850045492 Benchmark ICE BofA European Currency High Yield Constrained Index - Total Return 100% Hedged to EUR. Kategori Kreditt obligasjonsfond, High Yield
2021-03-31 · Objectif d’Investissement: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund BP EUR: Le fonds vise ¨¤ pr¨¦server le capital des investisseurs et ¨¤ leur fournir un rendement sup¨¦rieur ¨¤ la moyenne des taux offerts sur les march¨¦s obligataires ¨¤ haut rendement europ¨¦ens.
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Choose your investor profile Investor type. The fund invest in European High Yield bonds and aims to outperform the overall European High Yield market. The fund managers focus on a name-by-name credit selection based on pure bottom-up analysis. They rely on an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of the issuer and of the security to beat the market. Investeringsprofil: Nordea European High Yield Bond.
Startdatum 2019-01-16 ISIN LU1927799103 Jämförelseindex ICE BofAML European Currency High Yield Constrained Index Kategori Företagsobligationsfonder, High Yield Nordea 1 - European High Yield Stars Bond Fund: LU1927798717: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Stars Bond Fund: LU2195102418: Nordea 1 - European Stars Equity Fund Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund - BP-EUR (LU0141799501): caractéristics, objectives, categories, managers Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund - The fund invest in European High Yield bonds and aims to outperform the overall European High Yield market. The fund managers focus on a name-by-name Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund. Wir konzentrieren uns auf das unternehmensspezifische Research, um Marktineffizienzen auszunutzen Investeringsprofil: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund BP EUR: Nordea European High Yield er et obligasjonsfond som hovedsakelig investerer i en bredt diversifisert portefølje av selskapsobligasjoner utstedt av Europeiske selskaper med kredittrating lavere enn BBB (S&P) / Baa (Moody's), også kalt High Yield obligasjoner eller Speculative Grade obligasjoner. Navn Nordea Invest European High Yield Bonds KL Morningstar 31-03-2021 SFDR klassificering Artikel 8 Basisvaluta DKK Formue (Basisvaluta) 2.616 mio. Startdato 18-03-2005 ISIN DK0016306798 Benchmark ICE BofAML Euro Currency HY constrained (Hedged DKK) Kategori Virksomhedsobligationer, High Yield obligationer Ansvarlig forvalter Capital Four Sijoituspolitiikka: Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund AI EUR: The fund invest in European High Yield bonds and aims to outperform the overall European High Yield market.